Environmental law Lmitation and scope in the contemporary era
Name: Rana Haris
Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
In the 21st century, the common economic system of the whole world, after the political system and world culture, the nation of world also suffers from the common; problem. Climate change is the problem that is affecting the whole world. Changes are taking place within natural factors due to human activities, and these changes are reflected in rising temperatures rising these level, and wildfires. The world is like a body. If one part of the body hurts, it affects the whole body. This is exactly the situation with climate change at the moment. Climate change is currently taking place in different ways in different parts of the world. Because the natural and social world moves according to the laws of evolution. Therefore, within the twentieth century, there has been a series of international efforts in the field of international environmental law. On the other hand, the climate issue has also forced different countries to cooperate with each other.
.Jimmy ice has been melting on Earth for millions of years, consuming forests around the world. Rising sea levels could engulf many cities in the future. Somewhere it is dry and somewhere it floods. The situation is so bad that the lives of millions of people are at stake. Climate change may not directly affect our lives, but where the situation is heading, we can get caught up in tithe situation is so bad that the existence of the earth is being questioned. But how do we get to this point. What is the cause of climate change? Climate change means an increase in the earth temperature. But the question is, why is the earth temperature rising? We all know that the earth is exposed to light and heat from sun. When the sun rays fall on the earth, some of them hit the earth and go back into the sky. While greenhouse gases has been prevented some ray of sun, this process as known Greenhouse effect. The ozone layer is a cover of gases around the earth, which prevents harmful rays from the sun.
Thanks to this, life on earth is possible. Without this process, life on earth would not be possible due to the cold. At such a low temperature, farming was not possible on land we could not meet the nutritional needs of human beings. The existence of greenhouse gases is essential for our lives. But the problem arises when the idea fault due to human activities within the natural balance. Carbon dioxide and methane gas are causing the earth temperature to change. These gases have begun to block more rays from the sun, causing the earth temperature to rise rapidly; this led to the problem of climate change. The names of the gases are Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Methuen Ozone .If this increase continues, many major cities and countries in the world will sink. But the countries of the world are still entangled the profit and loss. Every country is trying to tackle this problem on its own but the world has become a global village. The problem of climate change is one that we cannot solve within our borders, this requires solid international planning. Here is another question that needs to be solved. The current economic system in the world is the capitalist system.
In the capitalist system, the purpose of production is to achieve profit. Private companies are encouraged to invest more in this economic system. Private companies compromised on collective interests to make a profit, forests were often cut down mercilessly to build factories and roads. Smoke from various factories is polluting the air, leading to an increase in the incidence of skin and respiratory diseases. Dirty chemicals coming from the fertilizer industry are still badly affecting the aques life. The use of plastic shoppers has further increased pollution. Plastics do not decompose easily, causing severe damage to the natural cycle of the environment. Economically, the primary responsibility for maintaining a balance between domestic consumers and firm lies with the state. The state acted as a mediator between the classes within the society, but for that it must be free. The role of the state in any society is determined by the economic conditions of that society.
We actually don’t have the foggiest idea how to take care of the issue of environmental change in the current monetary, political and social system. With the progression of innovation, the recurrence of environmental change is expanding rapidly. Thus the genuine reason for the issue before us is our political framework inside which the enactment that is being sanctioned has the impact on theto controls this issue of environment changes. The foundation of public states should be perceived in light of the fact that the enactment that the country states are authorizing can be applied its own geographical yet not the all over word.
The genuine issue is that the issue of environmental change is global in nature, so there is a requirement for a worldwide, not a public, way to deal with legislation. In expansion, we need to discover answers to a couple diverse questions. Can laws be ordered at the worldwide level in concordance with various countries? Will financial, political and social contrasts between various nations be an impediment to enactment at the global level? What sort of strategy will be embraced to determine these differences, who will screen the execution of the law after it is made?. Who will fund of the entire matter while administering and implementing the law? Multinational organizations will likewise be remembered for the global environmental change arranging.
Problem of statement
The current problem facing humanity globally is climate change. With the advancement of science and technology, this problem is intensifying. No part of the world is safe from this problem. Because the smoke from factories and cars is causing the earth temperature to rise. Floods due to climate change are causing problems such as loss of human lives. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of international cooperation and trust among the countries. Second, this problem has international characteristics due to its nature and physical features. This problem cannot be solved at the national level because if a policy is made at the national level then the country can apply it within its borders. It is also not necessary for other countries to agree with its climate policy, which would have made the solution of the climate change more difficult.
"If the international community make the effective legislation to tackle the climate change, then damage of environment will be reduce"
Literature review
In this article “Climate Change A Theoretical Review" designed by Ishaq-ul- Rahaman (2012)
This study show that Climate change is one of the most debated issues of the century. The main purpose of this research is to provide a perspective on global climate change. It includes an introductory scientific study of the effects of climate change on human society on the environment. To what extent changes in the environment can be dangerous for human society in the future, so research have also made it a topic. Because it reveals the historical significance of climate change, it makes it easier to predict the future of climate change. This research also conducted by the international level. IN this study the Thomas kunh theory "The structure of scientific Revolution" was used by the researchers to explain the problem of climate change. Thomas kunh Reject the process of a continuous and continuous scientific development. On the contrary, he thinks that the leap honds which took place in human history change the direction science and technology. Its research based on qualitative data.
In article designed by “Planning for Climate Change, Why does it matter" by Yusuf Mahmoud (2015)
This study show that how can adaptable and flexible their exposure to climate change and avoid it's effects. It’s also highlighting the issue of Climate destruction, how this issue might he den grouse for our cities. It also show how cities and should take action to tackle the climate change. This research was conducted by Egypt. This research develops the relationship between mitigation and adaptability of socio political and economic system. The vulnerability= (Exposure +sensitivity v-adaptive captive. All the study was conducted by qualitative and secondary source of data.
In this article; designed; “Science of Entire Environment' by Jude, Drew,& Jenkins on(2017) <
There is elevating popularity that organizations, essential in key infrastructure sectors, are likely prone to climate adjustments and better climate events, want organizational spontaneous reaction to make certain they may be bendy and adaptable. Moreover, complete evidence of ways edition is flexibility works and reported, importantly with medium of legislative system is brief supply. The United Kingdom Climate Change Act (2008), giving the Adaptation Reporting Power, that capin a position the Government to direct so-referred to as reporting officials to record their climate variant dangers and edition schedules. Now we are going to tricky the authors; particular man or woman and revel in assisting the organization of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) all through the Adaptation Reporting Power first turn. An evolutionary framework, used to make certain the edition reports, is giving along proofs on how the channel offers sparkling insights into edition works and induced organizational variant in 78% of reporting faculty, consisting of the fixing of weather chance and edition issues. The function of legislative organization and chance-primarily based totally procedures in riding and giving edition is describing along destiny studies necessities, Adding with the improvement of organizational adulthood fashions to look at flexibility and first-rate adapting organizations. The Adaptation Reporting Power channel offers a stable floor for identical regulation in different countries, even though an engagement plans to make certain to buy-in to the channel and studies work of its destiny and longtime legacy, within the very best deserves of voluntary procedures, is a whole lot need.
Research Objective
1: The expression of international climate comprehends on the basis of the natural and social sciences.
2: Highlight international measures to tackle climate change.
3: Making the global climate problem easier for the general public to understand.
Research Question
1: Why need to international environmental law and how it evolved.
2: Why do we need a global identity to tackle climate change?
3: How the international community is dealing with climate change.
Research Methodology
All research base on the exclusive qualitative data.secondry data were used during the research. Goggle scholar, Expert interviewed talks, books, magazines, YouTube videos Wikipedia; debates were used to gaining the data and information. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data. Legal and ethical aspects were also considered when compiling data and information. No legal or ethical principles were violated being collected the data.
Theoretical frame work
Climate change=economic, political, social factor.
X = (EF, PF, SF)
Economic factor= growth for profit unplanned economic mechanism ( supply and demand)
Political factor= less efficient political institution, crony capitalism
Social factor = deforestation, urbanization, lack of awareness.
The Need and Evolution of International Climate Law.
Man life depends on the environment, so just as there are changes in the environment, man has to make changes in himself. Because our survival is in jeopardy unless we adapt to the environment within us. One and a half hundred years before this idea, Charles Darwin was given in his book; The Origin of species Nowadays we call it Survival of the Fittest. Darwin has told us how important it is for living organism to adapt to the environment for their survival. At present, human life depends entirely on the environment; factors such as air, water and light in the environment guarantee human life. Extremely dangerous to human life if human activities somehow cause changes in the environment or interfere with the selection of environmental elements.Industrilzation has increased worldwide since 1850, leading to a sharp rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Rising global temperatures pose the greatest threat to human life and the planet. Human awareness of climate change has awakened and the world is trying to tackle global climate change. Therefore, June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day. We must first discuss the points that provide a legal basis for the international environment law.
Right to Live With Human Dignity:
Man has every right to live his life to the fullest and a healthy environment is essential for human life. Therefore, there is an urgent need to protect the environment from negative changes. If negative changes occur in the environment, it is against the fundamental rights of our lives.
Right to protection of Environment:
Protecting and improving the environment also falls under the category of human rights. Wildlife and aquatic life protecting forests is also a basic human need and responsibilitie.Because man is the most advanced creature of evolution, balancing the environment and life is also one of man responsibilities of human. The primary responsibility of every human being in the world is to not only protect the natural environment but also to play its part in improving it.
Historical Evolution of International Climate Law.
The International Standard is a United Nations agency that deals with climate change and the environment.Theorganization first held a conference in 197 to protect the human environment
Stockholm Conference in 1972:
This conference was held in Jun1972 at the site of the Geneva. It was the first formal conference in human history to talk about climate change and; its protection.
Vienna Convention (1985)
A conference was held inVienana in 1985 in which the issue of securing the Ozone layer was discussed. The ozone layer acts as a protective shield 35 kilometers above the earth surface, blocking harmful radiation from the sun. Chlorofluorocarbon gases emitted from the freezer harm the Ozone layer. The destruction of the ozone layer is increasing the incidence of diseases such as allergic cancer and heart disease in humans.
Montreal Protocol (1989)
In 1989, a conference was held at the Montreal site in which talks were held between different countries to depletion the Ozone layer. As a result, Montreal Protocol was formed.
Basel Convention (1992)
The Basel Convention was held in1992 in which Transe boundary hazardwastematerialwas banned. Consumption is often higher in developed countries, resulting in higher waste material in there. As a result, they often send their waste materials to developing countries because developing countries do not have specific legislation on waste management. Therefore, in order to stop the process and make the environment safer, Basel Convention was held in 1992.
Kyoto protocol (1997):
The Kyoto Protocol was held in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan.In which the heads of different countries participated and it was decided to reduce greenhouse gas emission.
Discuss the Global Strategy to deal with the Climate Change
The issue of climate change is linked to our Cultural Economic Growth International relation. For the past 20 years, developed countries have been enacting legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Voluntary work is also underway to provide legal mechanisms and funding to developing countries. The purpose of this strategy is to promote greenhouse technology and work for the development of community protection against climate change.
the fruits of this effort are being seen all over the world, but so far all the measures are proving to be insufficient. There is an urgent need to find a solution to this problem globally because how greenhouses from all over the world, wherever they go, will harm the global environment. Because there is a common problem, a common global strategy and legislation is needed to address the global environmental problem. For example, if greenhouse gases are emitted from China, it will have the same negative impact on Canada. But there are some difficulties in legislating internationally. As we know, the process of legislating internationally is very complicated. When different countries participate in the legislative process, there would be an increase in uncertainty element.
Because in the process, the economic, political and social differences of different countries clash with each other. The second major problem with legislation is its application. We now know about the International Climate Change OrganizationIPCC was formed in 1989.Since then, thousands of scientists around the world have been working on it.It also often provides advice on climate change to the United Nations and other international organizations,
And observes and reports on climate change measures from around the world. In the light of their reports, policy on climate change would be formulated all over the world. This institution was also awarded the Nobel Prize in 2001.It also has three main subsidiaries
1: The working Group 1(The physical science Basis)
Working Group one would work on the scientific aspects of climate change
2: Working Group 2 (Climate change, impact adaptation and vulnerability).
Working Group Two studies the effects of climate change on human labor and the ecosystem
3: Working Group 3(Mitigation of climate change)
Working Group III develops strategies to combat climate change.
United Nations Frame work Convention on Climate Change.
The United Nations plays a leading role in tackling climate change. In 1992 the United Nation Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) held the summit, which was called Earth Summit. What was the first global effort to raise the issue of climate change is today a global organization with 197 member countries. The main purpose of this organization is to protect humanity from the threat of global warming.
Kyoto Protocol (1995)
The protocol was signed in 1997 in a Kyoto Japanese city. The purpose of this protocol was to strengthen and influence the global response to climate change. In this protocol, developed countries have set a target to reduce green-house gas emissions. The first phase of this protocol was from 2001 to 2008.The second phase of the Koyota Protocol from January 2015 to 2020.197 countries participated in this protocol.
Paris Agreement:
In 2015, an agreement was signed under the auspices of the United Nations agency UNFCCC in Paris. Under the Paris Agreement to increased global response to climate change and increased international cooperation. The Paris Agreement was a significant effort that brought countries around the world together on a single page on climate change. On April 21, 2016, the heads of 175 countries signed the Declaration on Climate Change at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.O The largest number of countries signing the same issue on the same day so far. 186 countries have so far signed in Paris agreement.
Climate Action Summit,(2019)
On 23 December 2019, the Secretary-GeneralAntono Guterres of the United Nations convened a meeting of heads of state from around the world on climate change.
Why do we need global identity to tackle the climate change?
Climate change is a global problem and every country in the world is affected by it in one way or another. It is true that climate change is affecting different parts of the world in different ways. So the whole world reacts differently toward the climate change.IPCCI scientific body that deals with the issue of climate change under theUN. IPCC (Intergovernmental panel climate change) has recently published a report. According to the report, 45% greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced between 2010 and 2030.Global south most affected by climate change, while the globe is less affected by climate change. The main reason for this is that the groupsouthweather temperature is already very high and the population is higher than that of global North. Therefore, according to the report, Global South is being affected more than global north.
According to the same report, global South is contributing less to climate change, The main reason for this is that region have not historically undergone the evolutionary process of industrialization , which has led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Due to which the emission of greenhouse gas is also less than the global North. Most of the developing countries are inside the Global South, while the developed countries are in global north region overnight. Or we see the worst contradiction that the part of the world that is less responsible for climate change seems to be more affected. The part of the world that is more responsible for climate change is less affected. Therefore, the more dangerous and negative effects of climate change are being on the Global South.
While the Globe North region is more developed, it has the best infrastructure health and education systems. Regardless of the fact that they can deal better with the issue of climate change, the real culprits of climate change around the world. At the moment, we see a global lack of a joint declaration, especially on climate change. It is true that climate change rate is the different is different countries. But climate change deserves global attention. The whole world should consider this common global problem. A common global strategy is needed deal with this issue. So the question now is how much responsibility does a country have globally to address climate change internationally? We have already mentioned that the global north are more responsible for climate change but the less effects of climate change .While the globe south is less responsible for climate change, it is more affected area due to the climate change. Countries around the world have a responsibility to determine how much they should contribute to climate change. It should depend on the following factors. First of all, let see how economically stable the country is.What level of economic growth has it achieved? The growth of these countries can be estimated from the GDP growth l National Income, human Development Index, Education Life expectancy etc.
The more economically stable a country is, the more it must show responsibility for climate change. Which country is responsible for how much and to what extent in climate change? According to statistics, developed countries are more responsible for climate change, so they have more responsibility. They should also take the lead in climate change initiatives. The third major factor is how many countries are most affected by climate change. Which is less responsible for climate change in developing countries but more affected by it, so it should be set out to compensate for the damage caused by climate change? So that they can promote more environmentally friendly technology in their country .That is to say, in very simple terms, the countries that are causing the most greenhouse gas emissions to increase climate change should be held accountable accordingly.
Carbon Trading:
Carbon trading was a proposal under the koyota protocol. It called for the creation of a central authority that would set a limit on greenhouse gas emissions between countries. Also set a limit on pollutants that pollute the environment.
If a country is causing more greenhouse gas emissions, the Center authority should also impose the tax and fine, also, abolish all subsidies to multinational companies that emit greenhouse gases and impose the environmental protection texts that the company that uses the technology to produce greenhouse gases is discouraged. New companies should not be licensed to use greenhouse gas emissions technology.
How can injustice be corrected?
Greenhouse gases come from the North global cause more damage to the South Globe. What steps need to be taken globally to end this injustice? This requires fundamentally changing the world basic infrastructure, especially the use of environmentally friendly technology for energy production. There is a need for a worldwide investment in green economy and environmentally friendly technologies. States should take responsibility for this and at the same time encourage the private sector to promote green economy as much as possible. Developed countries should provide developing countries with funding technology and mechanisms to tackle climate change. It is imperative for every country to spend perhaps 1.5%percent of its GDP on green economy and on climate change measures. A global carbon tax should be imposed worldwide, especially for multinational companies. So that the private company also takes steps to reduce the environmentally enmity technology. State should provide the subsidies for renewable energy production’s and China, which is most responsible for global warming, should give the subsidies to the poorest countries of Africa and Asia.
Realism and Global Climate Change Threat
Before capitalism, mercantilism worked within the financial system .According to Mercantilist economist, any government should accumulate a maximum amount of gold, so they increased exports and tried to scale back imports. Created a boundary of national state to guard local industry from international competition. The internal system of any state would be filled with hierarchies. A hierarchical data structure works to run the economic, political and social organization .But once we check out world affairs, we don’t see any classification at the international level. There is no absolute power which will control world affairs .Increasing globalization has led to increased economic, political and social cooperation between different states. But the interaction between the states also gave rise to conflicts between different states. At present, each state protects its own interests and for this it doesn’t refrain from harming the interests of the opposite state. The Theory of Realism was supported two points; one being the state of anarchy at the international level, the second is that politics is gunboat diplomacy .Realism was the strongest theory of IR in twenty century. Many philosophers are instrumental in advancing the idea of realism.Morgenthis (politics among the nation, E.H Carr (politics among the nations) established the essential mechanism of theory of realism. But before that, Hobbes and; Machiavelli; already worked on the idea of realism. After war II, Theory of Realisflourished in response to the idea of idealism. According to this man naturally to be pessimistic. He wants to resolve his disputes through war. This theory later became the idea of policy of varied countries.
Lesson from the Realism:
State must acquire power to survive.
Power is that the currency of international politics
Human are obsessed about their own well-being so do state.
Global threats don differentiate between the borders of various countries. These threats still affect the lives of ordinary people and therefore the decisions of states. Climate change has also attracted the eye of policymakers, NGOs and business men. There is currently a worldwide campaign on global climate change .Which is putting pressure on states to scale back their greenhouse emission emissions. Because if the worldwide temperature rises above two degrees, the ocean level will rise and therefore the city will sink. But since the pomegranate situation is entirely at the international level and there absolutely no compulsion for states to follow the policy. It is true that organizations like the United Nations, the eu Union and therefore the G-7 are present within the world. These organizations create some power and law-making, but they are doing not force any country to enforce its policy. Realist firmly believes that the state should be fully independent. But the matter of global climate change is somewhat different in terms of standards. One state is in danger from another, but most are in danger .Therefore, so as to tackle global climate change, states got to create an environment of trust between environmentally friendly technologies and other countries, instead of increasing defense spending
Why Realism Fail to elucidate the global climate change.
The theory of realism until the 20 Th centuries to interpret world affairs was the simplest theory. But now the planet is facing new dangers that humanity has never faced before. International relations regarding realism are supported personal interests between states. But this principle doesn’t fit into a multidimensional issue like global climate change .In 2015; an agreement called Harvey was signed in Paris. The conference was attended by many heads of state. In which the heads of all countries pledged to scale back greenhouse emission emissions. Brussels vows to scale back greenhouse emission emissions by 60% by 2050.Climate change could lead on to food shortages and water shortages within the future. Earlier, when a war broke out between different countries, theory of realism could explain the explanations behind the war.
Man has reached the peak of development in the 21st century. We have won the war against nature. Then why did climate change lead us to this verge, that if global temperatures reach between one point five and two degrees, millions of people will be forced to migrate, many cities sink, small countries like the Maldives disappear forever. Man has achieved remarkable success in the field of science and technology. Man has also reached the moon. Man is trying to settle in space but is facing problems in tackling climate change. But why are we facing such problems to cope with climate change? I think it also about understanding the economic and political system at the international level. After 1970 new liberism policies were imposed on the whole world. According to this policy, human society is forced to make political and economic decisions in a chaotic manner, that is, by demand and supply by the forces like it.The private sector is being promoted as much as possible. Attempts are being made to minimize interference in the state market. Due to this system, the balance of power in the world has changed completely. At present, the United States, China and European countries are most responsible for climate change. But the worst effects of climate change are on the backward countries of Africa and Asia. Ten percent of the world companies are responsible for 90 percent of the world greenhouse gas emissions, according to an agency report.
This means that if only ten companies continue to operate and the rest of the world is shut down, even the problem of climate change will not be solved. It is true that global efforts on climate change have intensified over the past few decades. But in my opinion, efforts are being made to mitigate the effects of climate change, while the need is to eradicate the causes of climate change. The current international economic system and liberal policies are the root cause of the environmental problem. Under liberalism, the rights of the individual take precedence over collective rights. Within this system, there is a conflict of interest between men and the society, due to which the main cause of economic production in the world is the gain of profit. Trees were often cut down completely to make way for housing colonies and factories. The chemical full water coming out of the Pesticides and fertilizer factories is damaging aquatic lives. Humans also get a huge amount of oxygen from the oceans. If we want to save our future generations from climate change, we have to move from the Profit based economic System to the Welfare based economic System. All this can only be achieved through global efforts.
• https://youtu.be/cEOAUZHkeFc
• https://youtu.be/08z_xW-szwM
• https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-change/
• https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/24451/K8860.pdf
• https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815062400/pdf?md5=7f74d7369f61c42d87822193489bdf7a&pid=1-s2.0-S1877042815062400-main.pdf
• https://www.e-ir.info/2016/04/29/climate-change-adaptation-and-international-relations-theory/
• https://www.e-ir.info/2016/04/11/climate-change-and-international-relations/
• http://cgsrs.org/publications/30
• https://climate.nasa.gov/
• https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change
• https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/what-difference-between-global-warming-and-climate-change-1?qt-news_science_products=0#qt-news_science_products
• https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/global-climate-change
• https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=climate+change+and+legislative+requirements&oq=climate+change+and+legislative+re#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DvKO-6jg5ptYJ
• https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=climate+change+and+legislative+requirements&oq=climate+change+and+legislative+re#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DuJqJL7BZAC0J
• https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-10-14/capitalism-caused-climate-change-it-must-also-be-the-solution
• https://youtu.be/CgZJ8c34dOk
• https://youtu.be/e0YAYOBor9Y
• https://youtu.be/pYF10oBPIv
• https://youtu.be/Q7zDoLTux0Y
• https://youtu.be/RG2p_Iibpr8
Bal-e-Jibril (Wings Of Gabreil) Urdu Poetry Book By Doctor Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- Meri Nawa’ay Shauq Se Shor Hareem-e-Zaat Mein
- Agar Kaj Ro Hain Anjum, Asman Tera Hai Ya Mera
- Tere Shishe Mein May Baqi Nahin Hai
- Gaisuay Tabdar Ko Aur Bhi Tabdar Kar
- Asar Kare Na Kare, Sun To Le Meri Faryad
- Kya Ishq Aik Zindagi-e-Mastaar Ka
- Dilon Ko Markaz-e-Mehar-o-Wafa Kar
- Preshan Ho Ke Meri Khaak Akhir Dil Na Ban Jaye
- Dirgargoon Hai, Jahan, Taaron Ki Garzish Taiz Hai Saqi
- La Phir Ek Baar Wohi Bada-o-Jaam Ae Saqi
- Mitta Diya Mere Saqi Ne Alam-E-Mann-o-Tu
- Mataa-e-Bebaha Hai Dard-o-Souz-e-Arzoo-Mandi
- Tujhe Yaad Kya Nahin Hai Mere Dil Ka Woh Zamana
- Zameer-e-Lala Mai’ay La’al Se Huwa Labraiz
- Wohi Meri Kam Naseebi, Wohi Teri Be Niazi
- Apni Jolangah Zair-e-Asman Samjha Tha Mein
- Ek Danish-e-Noorani, Ek Danish-e-Burhani
- Ya Rab! Ye Jahan-e-Guzran Khoob Hai Lekin
- Sama Sakta Nahin Pehna’ay Fitrat Mein Mera Soda
- Bohat Dekhe Hain Main Ne Mashriq-o-Maghrib Ke May Khane
- Ghulami Kya Hai? Zauq-e-Husn-o-Zaibai Se Mehroomi
- Ye Kon Ghazal Khawan Hai, Pursouz-o-Nishat Angaiz
- Woh Harf-e-Raaz Ke Mujh Ko Sikha Gya Hai Junoon
- Alam-e-Aab-o-Khaak-o-Baad ! Sirr-e-Ayaan Hai Tu Ke Main
- Tu Abhi Reh Guzr Mein Hai, Qaid-e-Maqam Se Guzr
- Ameen-e-Raaz Hai Mardan-e-Hur Ki Darveshi
- Phir Charagh-E-Lala Se Roshan Huway Koh-O-Daman
- Musalman Ke Lahoo Mein Hai, Saliqa Dil Nawazi Ka
- Ishq Se Paida Nawa’ay Zindagi Mein Zeer-O-Bamm
- Dil Souz Se Khali Hai, Nigah Paak Nahin Hai
- Hazar Khof Ho Lekin Zuban Ho Dil Ki Rafeeq
- Pooch Iss Se K Maqbool Hai Fitrat Ki Gawahi
- Ye Hooriyan-E-Farangi, Dil-O-Nazar Ka Hijab
- Dil Baidar Farooqi, Dil Baidar Karari
- Khudi Ki Shokhi-O-Tundi Mein Kubr-O-Naaz Nahin
- Mir-e-Sipah Na Saza, Lashkariyan Shakista Saf
- Zmastani Hawa Mein Garcha Thi Shamsheer Ki Taizi
- Ye Dair-E-Kuhan Kya Hai, Anbaar-E-Khas-O-Khashaak
- Kamal-E-Tark Nahin Aab-O-Gil Se Mehjoori
- Aqal Go Astan Se Door Nahin
- Khudi Woh Behar Hai Jis Ka Koi Kinara Nahin
- Ye Peyam De Gyi Hai Mujhe Bad-e-Subahgahi
- Teri Nigah Firomaya, Hath Hai Kotah
- Khird Ke Paas Khabar Ke Siwa Kuch Aur Nahinn
- Nigah-e-Faqr Mein Shan-e-Sikandari Kya Hai
- Na Tu Zameen Ke Liye Hai Na Asman Ke Liye
- Tu Ae Aseer-E-Makan! La-Makan Se Door Nahin
- Khirad Ne Mujh Ko Atta Ki Nazar Hakeemana
- Aflak Se Ata Hai Nalon Ka Jawab Akhir
- Har Shay Musafir, Har Cheez Rahi
- Har Cheez Hai Mehw-e-Khudnumai
- Ejaz Hai Kisi Ka Ya Gardish-e-Zamana!
- Khird-Mandon Se Kya Puchon Ke Meri Ibtida Kya Hai
- Jab Ishq Sikhata Hai Adab-e-Khud Agaahi
- Mujhe Aah-o-Faghan-e-Neem Shab Ka Phir Peyam Aya
- Na Ho Tughyan-e-Mushtaqi To Main Rehta Nahin Baqi
- Fitrat Ko Khird Ke Ru-Ba-Ru Kar
- Ye Peeran-e-Kalisa-o-Haram, Ae Waye Majboori!
- Taza Phir Danish-e-Hazir Ne Kiya Sahar-e-Qadeem
- Sitaron Se Agay Jahan Aur Bhi Hain
- Dhoond Raha Hai Farang Aysh-e-Jahan Ka Dawam
- Khudi Ho Ilm Se Muhkam To Ghairat-e-Jibreel
- Maktabon Mein Kahin Raanayi-e-Afkaar Bhi Hai?
- Hadsa Woh Jo Abhi Parda-e-Aflak Mein Hai
- Raha Na Halqa-e-Sufi Mein Souz-e-Mushtaqi
- Huwa Na Zor Se Uss Ke Koi Greban Chaak
- Yun Hath Nahin Ata Woh Gohar-e-Yak Dana
- Na Takht-o-Taaj Mein Ne Lashkar-o-Sipah Mein Hai
- Fitrat Ne Na Bakhsha Mujhe Andaisha-e-Chalaak
- Karain Ge Ahl-e-Nazar Taza Bastiyan Abad
- Ki Haq Se Farishton Ne Iqbal Ki Ghammazi
- Ne Muhra Baqi, Ne Muhra Bazi
- Garam-e-Gaghan Hai Jaras, Uth Ke Gya Qafla
- Meri Nawa Se Huwe Zinda Arif-o-Aami
- Har Ek Maqam Se Agay Guzar Gya Mah-e-Nau
- Kho Na Ja Iss Sehar-o-Sham Mein Ae Sahib-e-Hosh!
- Tha Jahan Madrasa-e-Sheri-o-Shehanshahi
- Hai Yaad Mujhe Nukta-e-Salman-e-Khush Ahang
- Faqr Ke Hain Muajazaat Taaj-o-Sareer-o-Sipah
- Kamal-e-Josh-e-Junoon Mein Raha Main Garam-e-Tawaf
- Shaur-o-Hosh-o-Khirad Ka Maamla Hai Ajeeb
- Andaz-e-Byan Gharche Bohat Shaukh Nahin Hai
- Rah-o-Rasm-e-Haram Na-Mehramana
- Zulaam-E-Behar Mein Koh Kar Sanbhal Ja
- Makani Hun Ke Azad-e-Makan Hun
- Khudi Ki Khalwaton Mein Gum Raha Main
- Preshan Karobar-e-Ashnai
- Yaqeen. Misl-e-Khalil Atish Nasheeni
- Arab Ke Souz Mein Saaz-e-Ajam Hai
- Koi Dekhe Tau Meri Ne Nawazi
- Har Ek Zarre Mein Hai Shaid Makeen Dil
- Har Ek Zarre Mein Hai Shaid Makeen Dil
- Tera Andesha Aflaki Nahin Hai
- Na Momin Hai Na Momin Ki Ameeri
- Khudi Ki Jalwaton Mein Mustafai
- Nigah Uljhi Huwi Hai Rang-o-Boo Mein
- Jamal-e-Ishq-o-Masti Ne Nawazi
- Woh Mera Ronaq-e-Mehfil Kahan Hai
- Sawar-e-Naqa-o-Mehmil Nahin Main
- Tere Seene Mein Dam Hai, Dil Nahin Hai
- Tera Jauhar Hai Noori, Pak Hai Tu
- Mohabbat Ka Junoon Baqi Nahin Hai
- Khudi Ke Zor Se Dunya Pe Chha Ja
- Chaman Mein Rakht-e-Gul Se Tar Hai
- Khirad Se Rahru Roshan Basar Hai
- Jawanon Ko Meri Aah-e-Sehar De
- Teri Dunya Jahan-e-Murg-o-Maahi
- Karam Tera Ke Be-Jauhar Nahin Main
- Wohi Asal-e-Makan-o-La Makan Hai
- Kabhi Awara-o-Be-Khanama Ishq
- Kabhi Tanhai-e-Koh-o-Daman Ishq
- Atta Islaf Ka Jazb-e-Daroon Kar
- Ye Nukta Main Ne Sikha Bu-Al-Hassan Se
- Khirad Waqif Nahin Hai Naik-o-Bad Se
- Khudai Ehtamam-e-Khushk-o-Tar Hai
- Yehi Adam Hai Sultan Behar-e-Bar Ka
- Dam-e-Arif Naseem-e-Subahdam Hai
- Ragon Mein Woh Lahoo Baqi Nahin Hai
- Khule Jate Hain Asrar-e-Nihani
- Zamane Ki Ye Gardish Javidana
- Hakeemi, Na-Musalmani Khudi Ki
- Tera Tan Rooh Se Na-Ashna Hai
- Iqbal Ne Kal Ahl-e-Khayaban Ko Sunaya
- Dua
- Masjid-e-Qurtuba
- Qaidkhane Mein Mautamid Ki Faryad
- Abdur Rehman Awwal Ka Boya Huwa Khajoor Ka Pehla Darakht
- Haspania
- Tariq Ki Dua
- Lenin (Khuda Ke Hazoor Mein)
- Farishton Ka Geet
- Farman-e-Khuda (Farishton Se)
- Zauq-o-Shauq
- Parwana Aur Jugnoo
- Javed Ke Naam
- Gadai
- Mullah Aur Bahisht
- Deen-o-Siasat
- Al-Arzu Lilah
- Aik Naujawan Ke Naam
- Nasihat
- Lala-e-Sehra
- Saqi Nama
- Zamana
- Farishte Adam Ko Jannat Se Rukhsat Karte Hain
- Rooh-e-Arzi Adam Ka Istaqbal Karti Hai
- Peer-o-Mureed
- Jibreel-o-Iblees
- Azan
- Muhabbat
- Sitare Ka Pegham
- Javed Ke Naam
- Falsafa-o-Mazhab
- Yourap Se Aik Khat
- Jawab
- Napolean Ke Mazar Par
- Mussolini
- Sawal
- Punjab Ke Dehqan Se
- Nadir Shah Afghan
- Khushhal Khan Ki Wasiyat
- Tatari Ka Khawab
- Haal-o-Maqam
- Abu Al-Alama’ari
- Cinema
- Punjab Ke Peerzadon Se
- Siasat
- Faqr
- Khudi
- Judai
- Khanqah
- Iblees Ki Arzdasht
- Lahoo
- Parwaz
- Sheikh-e-Maktab Se
- Falsafi
- Shaheen
- Baghi Mureed
- Haroon Ki Akhri Nasihat
- Mahir-e-Nafsiyat Se
- Yourap
- Azadi-e-Afkar
- Sher Aur Khachar
- Chionti Aur Auqab
- Fitrat Meri Manind-e-Naseem-e-Sehri Hai
- Kal Apne Mureedon Se Kaha Peer-e-Maghan Ne
Armughan-e-Hijaz (The Gift Of Hijaz)) Urdu Poetry Book By Doctor Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- Iblees Ki Majlis-e-Shure (The Devil's Conference)
- Budhe Baloch Ki Naseehat Betay Ko (The advice of an Old Baloch to His Son)
- Tasveer-o-Musawwir (Painting And The Painter)
- Alam-e-Barzakh (The State Of Barzakh)
- Maazool Shahenshah (A Deposed Monarch)
- Dozakhi Ki Munajat (Litany Of The Damned)
- Masood Marhoom (The Late Masud)
- Awaz-e-Ghaib (A Voice From Beyond)
- Meri Shakh-e-Amal Ka Hai Samar Kiya
- Faraghat Dy Is Kaar-e-Jahan Sy
- Digargoon Alam-e-Sham-o-Sahar Kar
- Ghareebi Mein Houn Mehsud-e-Ameeri
- Khirad Ki Tang Daamani Sy Faryad
- Kaha Iqbal Ny Sheikh-e-Haram Sy
- Kuhan Hangama Haye Arzoo Sard
- Hadees-e-Banda'e Momin Dil Awaiz
- Tameez-e-Khar-o-Gul Sy Aashkara
- Na Kar Zikr-o-Firaq-o-Aashnai
- Tery Darya Mein Toofan Kyun Nahin Hai
- Khirad Dekhe Agar Dil Ki Nigah Sy
- Kabhi Darya Sy Misl-e-Mouj Ubhar Kar
- Mullah Zada Zaigham Lolabi Kashmiri Ka Bayaz
- Maut Hai Ek Sakht Ter Jis Ka Ghulami Hai Naam
- Aj Wo Kashmit Hai Mehkoom-o-Majboor-o-Faqeer
- Garam Ho Jata Hai Jab Mehkoom Qaumon Ka Laho
- Durraj Ki Parwaz Main Hai Shaukat-e-Shaheen
- Rindon Ko Bhi Maloom Hain Sufi Ke Kamalat
- Nikl Kar Khanqahon Se Ada Kar Rasm-e-Shabiri
- Samjha Laho Ki Boond Agar Tu Isy Tou Khair
- Khula Jab Chaman Main Kutab Khana'ay Gul
- Azad Ki Rag Sakht Hai Manind Rag-e-Sang
- Tamam Arif-o-Aami Khudi Sy Begana
- Digargoon Jahan Un Ke Zor-e-Amal Se
- Nishan Yehi Hai Zamane Main Zindi Qaumon Ka
- Che Kafirana Qimar-e-Hayat Mee Bazi
- Zameer-e-Maghrib Hai Tajirana,Zameer-e-Mashriq Hai Rahibana
- Hajat Nahin Ay Khitta'ay Gul Sharah-o-Bayan Ki
- Khud Agahi Ny Sikhla Di Hai Jis Ko Tan Faramoshi
- Aan Azam-e-Buland Awar Aan Soz-e-Jigar Awar
- Ghareeb-e-Shehar Houn Main, Sun To Le Meri Faryad
- Sir Akbar Haideri Sadr-e-Azam Haiderabad Daccan Ke Naam
- Hussain Ahmed
- Hazrat-e-Insan
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